
Why Word of Mouth is Important in Real Estate

Having a good reputation as a landlord makes life a lot easier. So it’s very important to ensure your personal brand and way you conduct business are always in goodstanding. Testimonials and references aren’t as common for landlords as they are for tenants, but this doesn’t mean that word of mouth can’t work in your favor.

Word of mouth is important for landlords and their properties’ reputation. The popularity of review sites and social media now mean that tenants can search for ratings of a landlord or property manager quickly. Therefore, it is crucial for landlords to manage their online portfolios and properties carefully and efficiently, from advertising to property compliance to tenant reviews.

But aside from keeping a good reputation, word of mouth is also very important in real estate because it can bring about new business. Some renters will discover your property organically through social media, property listings, or even walking by your property. However, many renters may find out about your property through the free and fantastic method of ‘word of mouth’.

Have you ever tried a product or service a friend recommended and thought, “Wow, I’m so glad they told me about this”? Perhaps you would have never tried it on your own or didn’t even know it existed, but that is the power of word of mouth.

Find and share powerful renter testimonials

It can be daunting, but good testimonials are very powerful, especially for prospective tenants. There isn’t an official referencing system or process that tenants can look at for landlords, so showing this can make you appear more transparent and open.

A short, detailed testimonial that highlights your character, how quickly you respond to queries and your efficiency is more than enough to make a stellar impression.

You’ll want to ask for testimonials at the right time. Some will happen organically on review sites, or during correspondence with your tenants. 

Have you considered collecting rent online but aren’t convinced? Take a look at our previous article: Why Should You Be Collecting Rent Online

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