
Why Should You Be Collecting Rent Online

When managing your property, it’s important to ensure that you’re employing effective and efficient management techniques to make life easier. Collecting rent online is certainly one of them! Accepting rental payments in cash can come with a host of issues and can even compromise personal safety. There are significant benefits to managing your rental online, especially when it comes to ensuring your investment is financially successful. Here are a few that we’ve put together!

Automating property management

Even though property investment isn’t much of a passive investment, there are definitely ways that you can make the investment more streamlined and easier to manage. Automating your property management systems makes things easier for both parties and ensures that payment is made ontime, every month.

Avoid chasing late payments

Since tenants will be able to pay their rent online through automatic payments, there won’t be a need to chase them constantly for not paying ontime. If this does happen, our software also has an automated email reminder feature for late payments.

Track expenses and keep records safe

Collecting rent online also allows you to keep track of your expenses and your rental business as a whole. All of the financial information will be logged over an extended period of time, which will allow you to see your rental business from a more holistic point of view.

In addition to this, our software also has a document feature where you can upload all of your important documents to keep them in one place. From P&S and HOA bylaws to tenant applications, credit checks, lease documents to rental and property analysis reports owning property means managing lots of files. We make it easy to keep organized.

We previously wrote about how to collect rent on time, so check it out!

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