
Why It’s Time to Ditch Your Spreadsheets

Keeping track of your rental portfolio using spreadsheets can easily become overwhelming and complicated. Luckily, there is now software available such as ours, that can help you manage your portfolio efficiently.

Here are some reasons why you should ditch your spreadsheets today:

Spreadsheets aren’t purpose-built

One of the great things about spreadsheets is that they can be used for many things. However, this is also a huge downside! Sometimes it is better to opt for purpose-built software in order to get the job done properly and more efficiently.

They aren’t made to grow

The larger your portfolio becomes, the more time and effort it will take for you to track and monitor your spreadsheet. In addition to this, you would have to take extra time to carry out the next steps in the rental process each and every time – which include things such as collecting rent and issuing notices.

Constant data entry

No matter how good and thorough your spreadsheet is, additional actions won’t get completed themselves.  Even if you can download documents, you still have to copy and paste everything into categories, which can be brutal if you have a lot of information.  You then have the additional task of splitting them between multiple categories or multiple rentals, if you have more than one property.

If you’d like to learn more about property management software, check out our previous blog post: 4 Benefits of Property Management Software

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