
What Do I Do If My Rent is Late?

Sometimes we go through financial difficulties, you may have recently lost your job or might have had to take a pay cut if your personal circumstances have changed, unfortunately, this may result in you paying your rent late.

Informing your landlord about a late payment can seem quite daunting, but we are here to tell you not to fear! Here are some of our tips for approaching your landlord about late rent payment.

Be Honest

Honesty is the best policy! It’s best to inform your landlord as early as possible if paying your rent is going to be a problem. They would very much appreciate the head’s up, as they can now plan around the inconvenience.

If you are dishonest or avoid your landlord, it can make the situation worse and could potentially ruin your landlord-tenant relationship.

Gather Information

If you have recently lost your job, for example, try and gather information and evidence of this to show to your landlord for a better understanding.

If your rent is late, it can already be a bit of a burden on both parties, but if you’re currently searching for a new job, let your landlord know in advance so they are aware of where you are at in your process.

Give Timescales

If you’re in financial trouble, try to provide timescales for when you can be an expert to be back on your feet. You may have to borrow money from a friend or family member, or what until a paycheck comes through, but it’s important to keep your landlord in the loop, so they know what’s going on and when they can expect to get paid. Keeping them out of the loop could result in legal proceedings or evictions, which is what we want to avoid!

Know Your Rights

It is vital that you know and can understand your rights when it comes to leasing breaches. Understanding that your landlord can’t just immediately evict you if you can’t pay rent on time for a month, can save a lot of trouble and inconvenience down the line. It’s also important to have some knowledge of your landlord’s rights too.

Talk About It

Having a chat with your landlord about your situation may help a lot. They may be able to offer advice, solutions or even a small discount/waiver until you get back on your feet, but you’d never know if you don’t try! Communication is key!

To register for our free tenant services, see here. If you’d like to read our previous blog about renters insurance, you can see it here!