Landlord Property Manager

Property Management Software Guide

Not too long ago, property management software was clunky software specially designed for larger PM firms and too complicated for smaller firms. And, often, internal on-site business servers would host these clunky systems. However, nowadays, many businesses both large and small are turning to the cloud as their main source of IT infrastructure and property management tools. Businesses can benefit greatly from this, as it enables easy access to an almost limitless number of applications plus a very cost-effective method of managing and enhancing them.

In particular, the cloud movement has been a game changer for the lower-budget smaller firms and DIYers. Of course, the cloud footprint can be incredibly beneficial for businesses of any size that want to achieve more with less. However, cloud systems are not created equally. And, “cloud” conversion doesn’t mean the legacy clunkiness factor just suddenly disappeared — quite the opposite. In fact, many cloud PM systems are really just the old clunky programs disguised as something that they’re not: modern, efficient, well-designed systems wells suited to meet 21st century needs. So, while cloud is an important factor for your software selection criteria, it is certainly not the “end all, be all.”

What’s Different About PropHub?

PropHub has a wealth of features that will appeal both to the landlords and the tenants, making everyone happy with easy-to-use tools that make things run more smoothly and keep costs down. And, property management firms get even more to help them with their more complicated operations and growth marketing needs. By combining all of these tools — landlord, tenant, and property manager — into the same platform, we’re able to maximize the efficacy of the software and make interactions between all parties seamless and simple.

One-Click Listings

Listing properties has never been easier. With saved templates, photos, and web copy, as well as auto-fill fields such as policies, rents and fees, all you have to do is click that you have an open unit available at a certain property, and all the information will be presented online in moments. Tenants make inquiries directed straight to your inbox.

Online Applications and Review Process

Prospective tenants first fill out an online application. Next, it goes through our review process and matched according to the qualification specifications that you’ve set. You can specify rent-to-income rates, credit scores, criminal backgrounds, eviction reports, and more. The software really does the first (and hardest) step of the process for you. The toughest work is done before you ever see the application, which helps you focus attention on only the most qualified leads.

Electronic Leasing

You can do all of the leasing online, too, without the tenant ever needing to set foot in the office. Our property management software delivers the lease to the tenant and the tenant can sign with an e-signature. And if you have properties in multiple states? Our lease library has all the applicable laws preset and ready for you to add to simply and easily. 

Renters Insurance

PropHub property management software even offers renters insurance in case of fire, water damage or burglary. These policies reimburse for costly damages and loss of personal property so everyone can have peace of mind. More research on coverage information is available from online service sites like Toggle (by Farmers).

Rent Collection

No need to knock on doors or make phone calls–the property management software will contact your renters on the same day every month asking for the rent payment. You can track if the renters are on time, how much they owe, and the renters can even set it for automated payments so that they’ll never miss a deadline. The rent collection software even reports on-time rent payments to credit bureaus, so they can build credit.

Maintenance Tracking

Tenants can make maintenance claims online through the maintenance app. No more needing to call the office to report a leaky sink or broken air conditioning. Plus, front office management is removed as the bottleneck that holds up the process. Simply set up online work orders to go directly to the maintenance crew for faster turnaround.

Online Bill Manager

This isn’t just about making life easy for the tenants – it’s about making your life easy, too, and we do that through tracking your expenses and bills. Everything from water to gas to sewer to cable to HOA dues. We keep track of everything and help produce monthly, quarterly, and annual reports.

Documents and Records Management

Property management involves a lot of paperwork. We help cut down on all this hassle by collecting and storing everything in the cloud. This includes applications, leases, HOA bylaws, bills, maintenance ticket photos, and more. Everything is stored in one easy-to-use system and accessible from all mobile devices anywhere in the world.

Automated Alerts

Need to know when someone isn’t paying their rent? Get an automated message. Need to know when taxes are due? Get an automated message. Need to know when maintenance is pending? Get an automated message. You get the idea. You can set alerts for virtually anything controlled by various preferences to your liking.

Market Estimates

Want to know if you’re charging the right amount in rent? Our calculator keeps track of properties all around you and lets you know if you’re too high or too low. You can optimize your rent and your vacancy rate with this easy-to-use tool.

Investment Portfolio

Looking at a new investment property? Our property management software uses various tools, formulas, and predictive modeling techniques to help you systematically crunch data across millions of records without lifting a finger. PropHub helps you quickly discover the most interesting and compelling property opportunities to add to your asset management investment portfolio. Automation at its finest at your service!

Sign up today to experience the PropHub difference.