
Keeping work-life balance as a landlord

Many people struggle with achieving a good work-life balance, but it can be a lot more difficult if you’re a landlord staring out. Avoiding the important task of dealing with a lack of work-life balance can lead to burnout. The key to finding peace between both worlds lies in setting up the proper boundaries and becoming more efficient.

Focus on productivity and output

Someone can only really achieve a healthy work-life balance if they feel a sense of accomplishment in both spaces. This is where productivity comes into play. Focussing on output and productivity may mean that you carve out certain times of the day to work and rental property-related management tasks. Alternatively, during specific hours of your day, you only worry about property or tenant concerns. You’ll find within those dedicated parameters set for yourself; you can be more productive.

Establish clear boundaries with tenants

If you live in or close to your rental property, it’s going to be hard to get away from constant tenant requests. In these cases, it’s very important to create some distance and to communicate your availability clearly.

It’s worth mentioning, too, to avoid becoming too friendly with your tenants. But blurring the lines of professionalism can create an unhealthy relationship. If your tenants feel like you’re their friend and not their landlord, they will be more likely to overstep their welcome with you with calls and requests. The idea is to create a comfortable distance where you’re still connected to the renters without compromising your home or personal time and space.

Invest in property management tools and software

Another key to finding your ideal work-life balance is by leveraging ways to streamline your efficiencies. If your work takes less time to complete and your tasks are easier to manage, you’ll feel less strapped to your property. You can look at implementing new software for scheduling and payment processing (such as PropHub!).

How can you ensure that you’re communicating well enough with your tenants? Read our previous blog post: Best Ways to Communicate with Tenants

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