
How to Be a Good Tenant

Renting can be quite an experience! It’s important to ensure that the relationship you have with your landlord is a good one, to ensure a smooth sailing rental experience over time. So here are some of our suggestions on how to be a good tenant!

Know & Understand Your Lease Obligations

You can’t be a good tenant if you don’t know what your obligations are! Make sure that you have read your lease thoroughly and understand it. In addition to this, it will be your landlord’s responsibility to clearly outline your obligations in your lease.

Be House Proud

Even though you don’t own the property, show the landlord that you care and value the home you’re in by taking care of it and ensuring its kept in good condition. This also includes reporting any maintenance issues as soon as possible, so that the landlord get things fixed before they become significant problems.

Report Repairs As Soon As Possible

Your landlord should be willing and ready to address any repairs or maintenance issues in the rental. You should not be responsible for doing repairs or maintenance in the rental, as this is not your job as the tenant. Try to report these as quickly as possible to ensure that they won’t become bigger and expensive problems to fix. For example, things such as mold or damp in rooms or holes in the property.

Keep Up Communication

It’s good to get into the practice of getting in touch with your landlord. Not just when you have problems, but just in general. Perhaps you’d like to make changes to our property by painting some walls, keep in contact and ask! Having a good relationship is likely to make getting permission for things easier.

Be a Good Tenant by Paying Rent Ontime!

Arguably one of the most important aspects of how to be a good tenant, but pay your rent ontime! Nobody wants to have a tenant that constantly pays late and paying late can harm your chances of having rental applications accepted in the future.

Unsure about the questions to ask when you’re going to viewings? Take a look at our previous post: 4 Questions to Ask When Viewing a Rental

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