
How to Advertise Your Rental

Having a vacant rental for an extended period of time is never ideal, which is why it’s important to know how to advertise your rental effectively. Luckily, it’s simpler than ever to advertise rentals both on and offline.

Create an Online Listing

Putting your rental online through a listing would be the first step in advertising. According to Zillow’s Consumer Housing Trend Report, 83% of all tenants use online resources in their rental property search. So not being online would put you at a great disadvantage, making it even more difficult to attract new tenants. There are many websites where you can list and market your property for free, and programs such as ours where you can do a lot more!

Another important part of creating a rental listing is taking great photos! We discuss this in more detail here.

Utilize Social Media

Social media is great for many things, it’s also a cost-effective way to advertise your rental. Using platforms like Facebook Marketplace or even Twitter to market and share your rental listing is an easy way to reach loads of people.

It’s important to note that different social media platforms have different demographics that are catered to. As an example, Facebook’s most popular demographic is over the age of 25. In comparison, most of Instagram’s demographic is in the 18-24 age range. You’d also need to consider the types of content and imagery that you’d use on each platform to make your listing more attractive.

Use Word of Mouth

Advertising online is always a good bet, especially given the times we’re in but it’s important to advertise offline as well.

Using word of mouth can be a great approach if you’re in the middle of a tenancy. You never really know who’s looking for a place to rent either now or in the future, and renting to someone that you know maybe a much simpler and reliable experience.

Have you considered Facebook Marketplace to advertise? If not, check out our post: Using Facebook Marketplace to Find a Rental

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