Rent Tenant

4 Questions to Ask When Viewing a Rental

Viewing rentals can be a lengthy experience, so it’s best to be prepared! Depending on the property, either the landlord themselves or an agent may be hosting the viewing – we have put together a few key questions to ask when viewing a rental for the first time: What are the total costs for renting […]

Rent Tenant

Renting As a Freelancer: How Can I Do It?

Following the impacts of the pandemic, freelancing and the gig economy are on the rise. A previous report by Upwork and the Freelancers Union estimated that there are now at least 57 million American freelancers. Despite this change over time, renting as a freelancer is still quite difficult. Many landlords still believe that as a […]

Rent Tenant

Renting With Bad Credit: What Are My Options?

One of the initial steps when renting is a credit check. A credit check is carried out by the landlord to assess your financial background and patterns. Whilst having a bad credit score can negatively impact your renting experience, there are still many ways to combat this; renting with bad credit certainly isn’t impossible and […]

Landlord Rent

How to Collect Rent On time

As a landlord, it’s in your best interest to ensure that your tenants find the rental payment process as easy and as seamless as possible. Having your rent collection on autopilot and having strict guidelines will work in your favour and will also ensure that your tenants take you more seriously as a landlord. Here […]

Landlord Rent

Rental Increase: How to Handle It Without Losing Tenants

A rental increase is an inevitable part of leasing. However, the only downside is that you can lose great tenants. As renting is mostly due to affordability, rental increases can most definitely ice people out, forcing them to look elsewhere. We understand that you’re running a business, but you can increase rent without losing tenants […]