Landlord Tenant

How to Deal With Rental Property Damage

Rental property damage is arguable every landlord’s worst nightmare and rightly so. Fixing damages can cost a lot of money over time, which is why it’s important to implement preventative measures in your rental to lessen future damages. Remember who is responsible The tenant would be responsible for damages that happen during their tenancy most […]


How to Advertise Your Rental

Having a vacant rental for an extended period of time is never ideal, which is why it’s important to know how to advertise your rental effectively. Luckily, it’s simpler than ever to advertise rentals both on and offline. Create an Online Listing Putting your rental online through a listing would be the first step in […]


5 Red Flags for Landlords

It can be hard to find the perfect tenant, but luckily there are many vetting procedures in place to support this. Here are a few red flags for landlords. Make a note of these when renting out your properties! Bad Credit Bad credit isn’t always the perfect indicator for a bad person to rent your […]


Rental Property Maintenance Tips for Landlords

It’s important for landlords to keep their properties in good shape. Not only as a legal requirement, but in good practice. However, it can be quite difficult to develop an efficient system for maintenance throughout the year. Here are some of our rental property maintenance tips for landlords. Management or DIY? Whilst both options have […]


How to Take Amazing Real Estate Photos

Professional photography can be very expensive, fortunately, there are many ways that you can take stunning real estate photos that generate immediate interest to your rental listings. According a study conducted by a real estate photography business, high quality photos increase the likelihood of selling a home 32% quicker. Equipment You Need We want to […]


Should I Add Smart Home Devices to My Rental?

Smart devices have revolutionized the way we live and work. With a simple and fast connection through WiFi, functions of the home such as heating, drawing of curtains and music can be controlled. However, having a smart home isn’t all positive. We delve deeper into the devices and functionality of a smart home. What devices […]

Landlord Tenant

How to Write a Landlord Reference Letter

References are very important in the rental process. Property managers and landlords consider this to be part of the background check of a tenant, and it holds a lot of weight. It helps to know how to write an impactful and succinct landlord reference letter when requested. What is a landlord reference letter? A landlord […]


Carrying Out a Home Inspection

It is within a landlord’s legal rights to inspect their property routinely during occupancy. As long as the current tenants are notified in advance, this usually isn’t a problem. A home inspection is usually carried out on a bi-annual basis and also when a tenant moves out. We have put together some things to look […]


How to Manage a Security Deposit

As your property investment portfolio grows in size, managing the security deposit of your tenants can get complex. We will be breaking down security deposits and how to manage them when you have multiple tenants. What is a security deposit? A security deposit is a one-off, refundable amount of money. The landlord would collect this […]

Landlord Rent

How to Collect Rent On time

As a landlord, it’s in your best interest to ensure that your tenants find the rental payment process as easy and as seamless as possible. Having your rent collection on autopilot and having strict guidelines will work in your favour and will also ensure that your tenants take you more seriously as a landlord. Here […]